Wow! A lot has happened since I was last able to update the blog. Where do I start? I’ll just do some recent items for you guys....
* Spring may have sprung, but summer is sizzling! Hot!
* Boyfriends? Well, that didn’t work out well. It's just so difficult. So, single yet again.
* In the course of 72 hours, I went from minimum custody to close custody. Confined to a cell 22 hours a day. You now truly have a captive audience!
* Introduced to my new fave author. John Rechy (City of Night; Bodies and Souls) is awesome. Fantastic writer and so relatable. City of Night may be the most relevant and poignant book I’ve ever read. I highly recommend.
* I go to recreation 2 hours a day, getting a tan! Woot! It's been a long time. Sun feels great!
* I’d love to have a running blog on prison issues. Let me know if there’s any interest in helping with that.
I love you guys! Write me!