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  • Ask yourself this, "What would you rather have, 1) a sex offender who was given 20 years sentence and serves all of his time and then is set free and has about a 30% chance of offending again after 3 years; or, 2) a sex offender who is sentenced to 10 years, given ample support and rehabilitative training, and after incarceration support who has a 1.8% chance of re-offending? The average prison term for a sex offense is about 15 years. Which means that most sex offenders will be freed and then what? You hate me/us. That drives me/us into our shell and I/we cannot trust you to fair to me/us. Do you see the driving of a cycle here. I/we feel unloved and now we see the first part of the cycle I mentioned before. It is my goal to help our society to find some sort of common ground that will allow all of us to come together and deal with this problem effectively without unnecessary hatred.
